

What lack a beauti such is this, how can it be denied and not questioned?

Sky so blue and a skyline that only moves as the wind slowly blows across its waves of peacfulness. How beautiful is this that on any given day across an ocean wide and a sea that divides lives and breath a vasc body of water that will take you any where.

The connection of reality and fantasy drawn and translated into nothing but water.

The very embodiment of pure wetness and uncertainty with its loss connection to the universe as it stretches across the spectrum of the world.

Oceans, the home of life and the taker of life such a powerful force of nature that is untamable and lives by no one’s hand and or time.

A creation of exsistance that no one knows how old.

Yet never turns its shape and or form beyond its ability to be. It mesmerize the mind into a state of awwness.

The untamed and undiscovered life yet to be found beneath its depths. Secrets never found and or heard of again. Yet we are drawn to its life.
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