
New Years Resolution Challenge: Stop Procrastinating

You think every year of what needs to be changed, New Years seems to be the perfect time to make changes. New year new you right?

Well not if you suffer from procrastination. You tell youself that you won’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today, but time slips past faster than Jeff Gordon on the race track.

This year you tell youself it will be different. But you tell yourself that every year, and you put off making the resolution to stop procrastinating.

You look at the calendar and it’s already the 5th of January. Where did the time go, so many things you had planned. Is it to late to make a resolution now to stop procrastinating you ask yourself?

Well maybe this year you will join that club the Procrastinator’s Club.
You write yourself a note to Google the Procrastinator’s Club.

But you know you will put it off, maybe next year you will make a resolution to not make a resolution.

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