
Evening on the Magical Lake

Finally! Friday’s work is finished! I feel like trying to solve My Mystery.
I can’t get the draw of the lake out of my head. I desire to be near it. It calls to me through the walls. I don’t need much gear to camp out on my own property, since I can just go home to eat. But I definitely want to sleep out there.
Maybe there ARE faeries. Maybe they’ll tickle my toes while I sleep, or steal my canteen. Maybe they are what’s calling me.
I hike out to the furthest point on a small jutting peninsula of land. It’s too narrow for the tent, so I pitch it a few yards back. But I sit here. The sun sets, blasting the lake’s surface with warm hues. I nibble on a sandwich and apple and just watch the show.
Dragonflies begin swooping in front of me, frogs begin croaking above the chirp of crickets. My eyelids droop.
I am drawn to consciousness by a sound; quiet, humming, high pitched, not unlike a humming bird. I look around. In the fading light I spy a tiny glow, covered in a large leaf, like a lampshade. I inch closer.

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