The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul: Profile Picture Challenge
We are told, by the powers that be, and from the powers that aren’t any more, that “the eyes are the windows to the soul.”
You can read a lot in someone eyes. We can see happiness, sadness, anger, depression, a myriad of emotion or lack thereof. And it is not limited to the human animal.
I developed a fascination with eyes a long time ago. Can’t exactly point to the moment in time when that fascination began. However, I do believe it came about sometime between high school biology and psychology.
The inherited colours and the jumbles of emotions shown through those portals.
Back to my earlier statement. Windows to the soul. It’s clearly a bold statement, but where did it come from. Some say it originated with the Bible. Some say even earlier than that. I really don’t have an opinion on where it came from, only that it’s true.
So much can be said with only a glance. Doesn’t need a smile from the lips, or even a crinkling of the nose. Not even a frown from the brow.
It’s all in the eyes.