
Who will survive?

My best friend is the most intelligent person I know. Straight A’s since we started to recieve them. Me? Some A’s Some B’s.But until a few days ago, I did not understand the limits of a letter grade.

At the end of humanity, who will survive? The one glittering in perfection, or the one glistening in wisdom?At the end of humanity which is better to know: how to do pre-calc or how to survive like pre-humans?

Its like a basketball stat sheet. They only record the numbers. But when its all down to the wire, which team succeeds? The ones playing aggressivly or the ones playing for pure numbers?

Did she know that in the United States, almost every war that has been fought has been roughly thirty years apart? Did she know that a generation is roughly thirty years apart? Did she see the connection? No. She saw the relationship. But at the end of all humanity, will you want to see the relationship or the connection?

At the end of humanity, the one who has experienced the most life shall win.

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