Quis, start small. You can’t change the world over night. It does nothing but lead to heartache. My child had no clue he was ‘white’ until he was in kindergarten and someone pointed it out to him; he came home mad. But anyhow, I did my part. He got over it, and he adjusted. He still sees no color. He has friends of all races. It’s the “mean” kids he doesn’t like. :) That’s the way I want my children to be. Just one small step at a time. Oh, and remember to breathe. ;-)
I feel you! I’m a southern girl and as a “double negative” (female & a minority) I’ve dealt with more then my fare share of stereotypes. But all that experience has made me a stronger person….keep positive; one day people will treat each other as people.
Definitely feel the emotion, though I didn’t quite follow the thread of your argument there. I don’t disagree, quite the contrary. Race is a fascinating issue, and maybe someday it will only be a historical footnote we can look back on and laugh at how silly we were to be so caught up in how we looked or from where our geneology stemmed. LoA
Tiger Woods, Gen Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey, Barak Obama, MLK , so many others have broken the stereo type the world is a better place for having them, and all so called minotities, among us. God bless the USA and diversity. Im irish german, I dont drink beer or hate jews.
THX 0477