
The Lonely Teddy Bear

Not even the ones I love would help me.They just pass by me like I’m the little one I used to be.And even then,I was left unnoticed.Again,I yell with tears falling from my eyes, and I listen to me broken heart pound lightly,the beat going slower and slower.I close my eyes but then something awakens me from my soft slumber.I sit up from my dark corner and see no one,but I hear the wind whipping at the window pane.I listen for seconds,minutes,hours,and then listen to my heart beat once again.I yell softly,but yet again,no reply.I knew it was useless,but I yelled again.
I felt my little broken heart give out slowly,but I woke myself up and fought back the tears that would fall from my eyes.I hear yet again the wind and I look outside.
I watch the rain fall down from the sky as gravity pulls them to the ground,just like my tears.I felt something I never felt before,not even when I was left unattended in the dark room. I was suffering from something.Something I did not understand.I was suffering from loneliness.

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