“I think you’re cute.” She said staring straight into my eyes.
“Umm I, uhh. You’re umm.” That’s how I am with girls. I just freeze up and I can’t think of anything to say.
“Uhh. What?” She began to look at me strangly. “Are you like in special ed?
“I umm. No.” But it was too late she was already gone. You suck man. All you do is really, really suck. I thought to myself.
I’m like 15 (just turned) and I’ve never had a girlfriend. I have never even kissed a girl. I’m this jock. I play soccer, basketball and baseball. And on Sarah Greenberg’s list I was voted The Most Hott, out of all the guys at our school.
I’m confused. Why can’t I just land a girl already?