
harry potters larger meaning (insightful challenge)

People constantly make fun of me for my love of Harry Potter. So here, I will write what I think about the life changing books.

All the books have the constant theme of peserverance, wisdom and individuality. Harry, Ron and Hermionie always have to peserver to get to the final destination. Whether its finding the Sorcer’s stone to defeating Voldemort there is always perserverance. Wisdom. Dumbledore has more wisdom than any real or fictional character. He understands things beyond-well anything. During the last book, Dumbledore lets the trio use and discover their wisdom to uncover the quest of the deathly hallows. Finally individuality. Every character in the Harry Potter series is so different than the next. The theme is that we are all different but that does not mean that we can not all work together.

Harry Potter is full of good vs. evil. So is the world. The trio represents the people in the muggle world who wish to make change. The death eaters represent the tyrants. The rest represent us.

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