
Reaching Out From Beyond

Not only was it MONDAY morning, it was also his first day back to work following 12 days of leisure.
He reluctantly walked to his assigned garage bay.
The first thing that caught his eye was a special tool that he had designed for a co-worker when he first began working there. The tool had been used for precise, complicated jobs of that era but cars had changed through the years and this particular tool wasn’t needed anymore. He hadn’t seen or even thought about it in 20 years. The co-worker for whom it was made had been dead for several. A chill ran up his spine. Where had the tool been all this time and why had it now mysteriously appeared on his workbench? Maybe if he didn’t acknowledge the tool’s existence, it would just disappear again! While he was pondering this idea another seasoned co-worker walked up and spotted the tool. The men’s eyes met in disbelief and wonder, they exchanged a silent message but neither spoke a word! Both men pretended it wasn’t there and headed for the coffee pot!

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