To Walk Away
She was over it, she was completely and utterly over it. She was over feeling like this, she was over having everything go upside with the time span of a second. She was ready to walk away, to leave everything, to start over. The possibility of this action was at her fingers, was in her own will. There was something holding her back, something she couldnt just walk away from and forget: the ones she loved. To walk away would mean leaving them, to let go of them indefintly. Would they stop her if she tried? Would they care? She had no idea but she knew one thing and one thing only in this upside down world, she knew that sooner or later things would have to brighten up. When that was, she had no idea. I guess that in this twisted thing we call life, that no matter how hard we try, or how hard we ponder we really never know of the possibiltys or what will happen. We all have a destiny, we all have a past, and we all have our own choices to make and our own lives to create. Our own lives to yes, even re-create.