
Final Questions

“Have you had any complaints from his colleagues? Has anyone complained about his behavior at work?” The lawyer asked.

“His boss called once, said he was impatient, that he was easily upset at work. He asked if there was any problems at home,ones he took with him to work.” She said.

“What did you say to him Toni?” The lawyer asked, intrigued.

“I told Frank, that we had no idea what was making him like that, I said that he would come home in these dark angry moods, and he would take it out on April and I ” Toni continued.

“Did his job become shaky, were there any drug tests done, did his performance slide?” The lawyer probed.

“I have no idea, he wouldn’t tell me, he became so secretive about what was making him so angry” Toni said holding back emotion.

“Ok got it” Said the lawyer.

“Well after all you told me, and what we discussed here, it looks like we have a solid case. We have fifteen minutes until the judge is ready for our case” Said the lawyer. He gathered his notes and left the room.

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