
Till the End...

Even if you go far away
Youll always be there
You’re there for me
ill hold your hand through the storms and the rain
Yes ill hold your hand through anything
We’ll make up a song
all day long
we will laugh and play
itll be just us two
that makes me and makes you
we’re on our way
so even if i need to break down and cry
your the wall i lean on
ill help you reach for the sky
you may wanna give up
but i won’t let you down
ill help you face your fears
then we’ll break out this town
we’ll whistle a tune
in june
or maybe may
we’ll talk late in the night
when weve turned out the light
so much mor to say

we say…
We’ll be together
No one can measure
You’re beautiful smart
know the dreams in your heart
ill be honest with you
and you tell me the truth
my friend till the endX2

so ill tell you again that your my best friend
and when im with you the fun never ends
ill lift you up whenever you fall
and there’s nothing at all left to say

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