
My Little Loyal Companion

Your my little companion.
Always their to greet me when I come home. All I have to do is yell your name and you come running to me. You give me kisses and wag your cute little tale.

You like to play. Tug, fetch, anything! You mostly like toys that look like animals, must be the terrier in you. You love to run and I run with you. When we go on walks, we are a pack and I am the leader. You seem to like that anyway.

When it is time to settle down you come and sleep on my lap.I feels very comforting to see you nice curled up in a little ball. Sometimes you may wake up to see a dog or an animal go across the screen and you will watch for a while then go back to sleep.

When I am sad or sick, you are always there. You come in, waging your tail, and lay next to me till I feel better. Petting you helps me. You really enjoy that.

Your my little fur ball. My little follower. My play mate. My loyal little friend and pet. You are my dog.

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