
The Tree of Childhood

I stood and patted the tree. “good times tree. How about a climb for old times sake?”. I climbed the tree like it was second nature and sat on a branch familar to me. I felt the slight breeze and it brought back some memories.

At eight I moved here and found this tree. I remember my frist climb. After a long struggle I finally made it too a stiff branch near the ground. Felt the breeze and I loved it here.

Friends came and went to the tree with me, but me and the tree remained constant. In fact I got my first kiss under this tree. Hearts were engraved in the tree with me and him. That didnt last either.

My first climb of the year in the spring was the best day of the year. Even now I can still remember the smell of fresh spring air while on the tree. It was shelter in the rain and shade from the heat.

Most of all this was my place to get away from it all. I could just sit and think. I could hear the leaves rustle and the birds chirp. the tree was my place of solice. This tree is my childhood.

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