
The Mysterious Associate

That morning, everyone in the castle balked as the king walked to the dining hall for his breakfast.

No one spoke to the strange man in the orange tunic that flanked the king, but all eyes were on him as they strolled down the corridor.

The two entered the dining hall. Theodor, captain of the king’s royal guard, was overseeing the tasting of the small feast arranged on the room’s large wooden table.

“Good morning, Sire,” spoke the captain, bringing the servants and guards in the dining hall to attention. “I trust you—”

Theodor froze at the sight of the stranger. His his eyes narrowed. Instinctively, his hand went to his sword hilt.

For a moment, all was quiet, as the king stood expectantly, waiting for the captain to finish his thought.

“Sire… A guest this morning?” Theodor inquired cooly.

The question seemed to take the king off-guard. “Ah, oh, yes,” he stuttered. “This be my new—”

Is, Sire,” interrupted the stranger.

The king sighed, then started again. “This is my new grammar advisor.”

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