
Frowns Speak Louder Than Words

My tangled hair slid over my shoulder, the knots tickling his face, as I bent forward. I kissed his hooked nose.
“Top of the Morning,” I whispered.
”’mormmhin babee” he mumbled, shifting his hand from under the pillow and reached out to poke my slim stomach.
“Ay!” I hollered, my lips fighting a smile. “I wanna go out today, so get up, it’s noon, time for your breakyfast.”
He growled and pulled me onto the messy bed next to him. I squirmed and fought, gently at fist, but then more and more viciously.
He laughed softly, “Where to?” he asked when I finally gave up.
“Hmm, well I was thinking of going shopping,” I suggested.
I could practically hear him frowning.
“What you don’t like this house? Because I do and I think we could really fix it up a li-” The wind was knocked from my lungs as I suddenly found myself airborne.
“Jack?! Put me down!” I yelled, though he was so very close to me and I really didn’t want him to put me down, “What are you doing?”
“Getting dressed,” he told me, and I smiled.

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