
sexy statue

a grl running franticly thru the woods in denver bcuz she had just seen this really creepy goat nd it was chasing her. she looked bak 2 c if the weird goat was still chasing her nd it was no where in site “thank god” she sed. then she turned her head forward nd BAM ! she ran in2 this lk weirdo statue. it was lk so random lk it just fell out of the sky nd it was covered in lk moss nd vines nd lk plant stuff that covers old statues. she was very curious nd wanted 2 c wat it was a statue of so she sweeped off all of the plant stuff 2 find that it was a statue of a very handsome boy that looked about 14, he had much nicer features than she had seen on any other boy. she was very attracted 2 this picular statue, so she licked it bcuz she licks everythn she lks. then the statue started 2 crack nd crumble to the ground “omg!” she sed then a real boy came out nd streched nd kissed the grl. then he picked her up nd carried her off to the medow nd they loved eachother 4ever

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