
100 ficlets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rant of Randomness! (I do not suggest you read this...)

Guess who has 100 ficlets!!! I do I do!!! Guess who has 100 ficlets!!! Me me me me me!!!!!!! Ok I’m done. So, in honor of my AMAZINGNESS (And awesomeness, go LoA!!) I decided to post this random ficlet. I could do a challenge, but um… I haven’t judged my other one and heck, I suck at inventing challenges anyway… wait, random brainwave! what if you had to incorporate the three things of the month that are listed on my profile into a story!!! They are the word defenestrate, Pinocchio, and the fact that a recently discovered gene causes left-handedness and schitzofrenia!!! woohoo! ok no, don’t do that. So all of you need to check out my stuff cause comments make me feel special :)) (plus the more you comment on other ppls stuff the more likely they are to check out your stuff!!! [it’s called Karma ppl!]) So, reading all that over I realize I sould like a self-centered bitch. So I could go back and edit all of it but my moms yelling at me and I really don’t feel like. Rant of Randomness officially over.

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