
The Fine Print

I missed my first love in high school. She was a sophomore like me. She was eighteen, or was it twenty, hard to remember. I do remember she was one of the most beautiful girls I ever met, no bull. But I was only twelve, and she hated my heritage, even though she had half of it. I desired her mind and soul much more than her body, but I was too young to know how to properly go about it.

After I left school (I was only fourteen at the time), I went to a local community college and bombed out twice. So I did what most fourteen year olds do; work part time job and hang out. All the time. I mean, what else am I going to do? Then I screwed up. Reality hit when I tried to play with adults and the big boys. Still fourteen at the time, they told me to get the hell out and go play with my toys. So, I decided to mimic them. It took a while, but I caught up. Then, I decided to surpass them. Why should I not surround myself with people who will lift me higher? All in all, I should have read the fine print of The Deal.

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