
Silver Dream 10

“Had a little mishap with the Teech sand, I see?â€? he said teasingly. Yet again, another question to add to her never-ending list; so she asked,
“What’s ‘teach sand’? I’ve never heard of it.
Do you mean Beach sand?
What are you doing with beach sand laying around in a forest! That stuff nearly blinded me!
How did you find me anyway?�.
Of course, she had only meant to ask the first question, but as she continued to ask her questions she realized how fantastic it felt to vocalize them: so she continued.
Her voice raised a little as she asked, “Is my friend here also? Is he okay?â€?.

After following the boy all this way she did not want to be left on her own. ‘Alone’, she thought the dreaded word and let it echo in her head, ‘Am I really?’ she thought apprehensively.
Surely, this was all some crazy dream or hallucination – it was all too strange to actually be happening.
‘Imagining stupid fantasies like this always, always, leads to trouble’ she thought darkly.
When the young man’s answer finally came, she almost-

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