
Insert Pen Name Here's answers to the awesome quiz from howhardlifeis

1) Purple

2) Whose Line is it Anyway?

3) None

4) None

5) Don’t have one, though sometimes my friends call me Laney as a joke but I hate that.

6) I cry at the end of sad movies.

7) I’d like to be able to fly. :-)

8) Maybe 50? IDK .

9) Um…like seven? Chee, that seems like a lot.

10) Something really rude to a teacher for which I got about 10 detentions.

11) 8th! :)

12) Windows Live Space (

13) This will be my ninety-sixth ficlet.

14) Fruit!

15) Chocolate!

16) Hmm…I think I’ll wait till im older to answer that. :)

17) Giving, it’s fun to read people’s answers.

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