
The Park, part 1 [Place Challenge]

The one place that holds a special significance for me is nothing so lofty as the top of the Eiffel Tower, nor as astounding as the Grand Canyon. It is quite simple, really, just a park in the middle of a residential area in Miami, in between houses, Starbucks, and an office building. There is a lake directly across from it, and many green- and brown-feathered ducks make their home nearby. Every afternoon, you can see people walking their dogs, energetically power-walking, or lazily pushing their kids on the swings. It’s just a simple park with a large green field and a swing-set.

And what happened to me there was simple, too, something that happens every day, so ordinary that we almost forget its true extraordinary power—that it is universal.

What happened? Oh, it was nothing. But it was everything, too—I fell in love.

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