“I want this,” Jeanne began. “So I will make sure that no one else could have it. After all, why should anyone else be given the honor?” “Because there is something furthur than victory and losing,” Tace replied, annoyed. “You need to see past yourself.” “She stole a lot of money from my family. I want to get her myself. I want to interrogate her myself. I want to exact punishment myself.”
Tace sighed heavily. “Punishment out of revenge is vengence, pure and simple. As you already have seen, vengence is punished severly. Remember my brother and my cousin?” “How could I forget? That was the first public and outdoor execution by electrocution authorized by the state. We just surrounded them and ensnared them in wires. Very gruesome.
“But it isn’t like she is going to be punished any extra. I just want closure,” Jeanne said.