

The zombie didn’t even notice her, it was so honed in on the kill. She stretched the guitar string almost taut between her hands, gently looped it over the thing’s head, crossing the wire behind his neck. A B -string… perfect size. She pulled, hard, and the wire sliced slowly through the fleshy part of it’s throat. She firmly lifted the head from its shoulders and tossed it away, done with the bitch.

She turned to find Steve already handling two of the three remaining zombies, one already down and the other on fire. She grabbed the napalm in the gas can beside his feet and began searching for the last creature. She didn’t have to go far. This one was already falling apart pretty bad, a sure mark of a shoddy necromancer. Anything dead longer than four days was usually off-limits. She flung the napalm out of the can, safely ten feet away, and lit a match against the stucco wall of the hallway. Steve finished up behind her and she tossed the match.

The shriek made her wince. Steve could kill it.

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