
One Man's Trash

All these ideas, floating around in my head. All bones, pieces, lacking flesh, even structure.

I can’t make anything of them. Most are so cliche, I wouldn’t even dare. But they need to get out of my head, I need to make room for the big ideas. The ideas I can actually do something with, make something of.

Useless! Useless! All these ideas, some good, all useless!

What do I do with them? What does one do with the useless thoughts? It’s not as if there is a trash can and a landfill for the brains of the world.

If there were, geniuses would subsist off the water there. Polluted with the ideas no one else could use, the multitude of useless ideas combining into multiple great ideas within the minds of those intended to use them.

Perhaps there should be a dumpster for useless thoughts. Perhaps that trash would turn into treasure, merely by changing beholder.

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