
The meaning of sight (a slam poem)

Because someone told me once
That it was all right
That I was wrong
Because sometimes
You just don’t understand things
Until they’re between your ears
And I just wanted to yell out
That sometimes
Between your ears
Is just too much
And that too much
Leads to not enough
And hearing not enough
Made me want to reach down
And pull out a jar
And capture the air
That was filled with your words
And turn them back on you
Letting you listen in
Like you used too with the sea shell
Hearing something that wasn’t real
Standing on that beach
With the
Sand between your toes
And the waves
Licking each
So carefully
Because it was then that you decided
That mermaids were real
And that sometimes
You just don’t understand things
Until they’re between your ears
So I let those words
Flow through my skin
And sink in
I mean really sink in
And all I realized was that
The meaning

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