He Answers the Quiz
He thought and thought and came up with Halle Berry as the celebrity he would date, would that she were so inclined.
If he could be best buds with one celebrity, it would have to be Skeet Ulrich, ah the fun they’d have cruising the bars and picking up Halle and Catherine Zeta, (sorry Michael D).
If he could play one professional sport, it would be golf, or at least Tiger’s caddie
If he could be on one TV show, it would be Heroes, obsorbing all the other’s powers and ruling the world muahahaha, Oh that plots been done. Maybe Lost and rule the island, hang with Hurly and Charlie.. if he lives.. sniff sniff.
If he could have one superpower, it would be invisibility, hands down the best power, no one sees you, knows you’re there, unless it snows.
If he could be in one band, he couldn’t decide on the Beatles, or Lifehouse, he’d be the drummer though, women love drummers.
If he could have one character from one of his stories be an actual person it would be Kermit, wait he’s real isn’t he?