
Evaporated milk and Champagne Challenge

She kept a purple sharpie on her bedside table in case she awoke with an idea for a story. It wasn’t there this morning. It had disappeared, which is what she wished the nightmare that had awakened her last night would do. It was a vision that she was unlikely to forget, no matter how much she wanted to. In her dreams she had seen Gabe through the broken airplane window. He wasn’t moving. Blood oozed from his nose and mouth.
Stop it! She told herself. Gabe was coming home today! She had a million things to do to get ready for the celebration dinner tonight. Today was their first wedding anniversary. After she filmed the interview with the interpretive dance teacher, she planned to stop by the liguor store for some champagne and the grocery store for evaporated milk to make Gabe’s favorite cheesecake. The ringing phone brought her senses back to the present. She glanced at the ID – Southwestern Airlines.
“Hello, Mrs. Gabe Stevens? I’m sorry…”
“NOOOOOOOOO!” She screamed!

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