Climbing Friends
“James, what makes you think you can climb higher then me?”
” Danny, I am the worlds most power climber in all of this side of Texas, so you better stand back”
James started climbing the tree, his spikes grip the trunk and dug in. Danny watching and feeling the grunt of the climb hoped that James would not finish the run in time.
The crowd cheering him on and with excitment yelled furiously at him while he climb.
Danny truned to the clock, seconds ticking down to the end, James was not close to the top yet. The crowd counting for him, He could feel his teeth baring down on his lips.
“Time the clock keeper yelled!” I truned to look in the direction of the clock. James was 1 quater of second a way from finishing. Can I beat his time in anticipation of my turn.
” Danny, I told you I was the best, now lets see what you got.”
Danny, straped on the ropes and spurs, he tighten the grip of the rope and rap it around the tree, the clock keeper counted down the climb just then Danny spurs dug…