
Pay Day!

Two extremely dirty hours later
It was closing time and I headed back to the club for clean-up.
I thought it was sorta of odd that I blew off a girl that wanted pointless, shallow sex for pointless, shallow sex.

Because Brandy prank called me and tori and Me was a one- time thing.

Plus, I haven’t gotten any before now in months.

I went into the club, and spent the next few hours cleaning it up. It was a big job, put the $500 was worth it.

“So, Tom.” Mr. Nicholes started when we were finished. “Can i see you tomorrow night?”
“Sorry, sir. It was a crazy night. I think I should get some rest.”
“Okay, so when can you do this again?”
“How about in two days. Just to get rested up.”
“Well, I’ll see you.”
I came back to my Dad’s house, and slept for a little, but my cell phone ringing woke me up.
I wonder why she’d call me all of the sudden.

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