
L Can Stand For a Lot of Things (A Continuation of Random Occurences.)

I’m eating this horrendously delicious red, sticky frozen cherry thing, and when I say delicious, I mean fantastically orgasmic. But, its everywhere. It keeps sticking to me, to my shoe, and practically everything I seem to come in contact with. I think its spreading. But there’s no way I’m going to stop eating it.

Its just that good.

I stopped in a diner today. A really authentic one this time. The kind that pour gravy over turkey sandwiches and serve you peas on the side. Yeah, peas. Not that I don’t like peas or anything, they just can’t compare to cherry flavoured mouth orgasms.

Did I just say that?

You know what I like? Junk. There isn’t a more fun way to spend a Saturday than sifting through thrift store shelves. Sometimes, I even will spend an hour or two in the costume shop. Not like I’d ever actually rent anything from there, its just fun to dress up and pretend that I’m Anna Karenina once in awhile.

Hey, we all have our guilty pleasures, I have mine…

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