

The ground was getting softer with every rain drop. I was holding my breath every minute that passed me. I am one with nature. My pray runs wild in the ruin buildings. I lay in the dirt gripping my trigger. Waiting and hoping for a mistake on the enemy’s side. Time slips threw but not disturbing me. Hands freeze over but don’t leave the trigger. I can see the enemy come up for a little air i wait for an extra move before i hit the trigger. He slips away needing to wait an extra time before he makes it.
The nights are getting harder
The day seeming endless
He moves yet again and am right there looking at him. Does he relies am there with him. Every move i watch over him like an eagle at a prey in the water.
He steps out of his hole to take a bathroom break.
His head is in clear view
I squeezed the trigger feeling the burning rifle that holds the golden kiss. The mans brains splatters all over the ground his body falls into the mud blood meets the water.
My duty ends when he meets the maker of the world.

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