
"Wake up!!"

“Wake up!!” Dan, the assigned morning-lookout shrieked.
“They’re here!! Wake up!!” he wailed desperately. Peter and the rest of the squadron sat up, tired.
“They’re here!!” Dan screamed again.
“Shut up!” one of the corporals shouted. Peter and the rest of the group had already grabbed their weaponry and gear. They quickly moved into their assigned positions. The night before they had built barracades just in case the worst happened. The worst had happend. THe whole squadron was safe except for Dan. As he ran he tripped over an exposed root and went flying into the ground. A acid grenade came flying over the hillside. Peter watched as a snipper shot the grenade, but the grenade was to close to Dan to save him. THe acid melted him away from sight. Peter cringed, he had seen this before but Dan was even younger than he was. Fresh out of the recruiting class, Dan was a promising fighter and a very good gunmen.

“Charge!!” some one yelled and Peter did.

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