” Benny, Breakfast!” The sounds and smells of breakfast awoke me from my cozy and warm bed. I let out a yawn and stretched to loosen my tired muscles.
So tired..I thought, my mind clouded with images of the past few days. Moving, leaving my friends behind, having to adjust to this new place. It certainly is alot smaller than where we used to live. We even have to share a room. But on the plus side I got some new toys. I love when I get new toys. We play with them together and it is just like when I was little. Quality time has been rather limited lately. I know she doesn’t mean to ignore me, or say “Benny, I’m busy! , “Go and play with your toys”. She loves me and I love her. She keeps telling me, ” just me and you now Benny, we are going to make it” I just nodd and look up at her with my big green eyes. I hope she understands.
She calls me again, ” Benny breakfast.”
I amble into the kitchen , where I see her patiently waiting, and greet her as I do every morning, with a meow of delight.