
Save the Cliffhanger - Part II

The firm hand of gravity pulled Rutger towards the ground.
Time stretched out and almost stopped as he plummetted. He noted his previous anchor point as he passed it on the way down.
Then time restarted with a viscious yank on his harness. The rope jerked him around and he felt one of the buckles jam into his ribs as he flipped over. The leg straps dug deep into his thighs.
After a couple seconds delay, Rutger’s breath was forced out of him again as he smashed into the cliff wall.
Hanging upside down against the face of El Capitain, he looked down (or was it up?). He was no longer 100 feet above his partner but a mere 30. His partner was jammed up against his anchor, struggling to get his feet under him while not letting go of the rope.
“Thank God that second anchor held,” Rutger thought to himself. He reached up to grab the rope and flip himself right way up. Just then he felt the slightest of movement in the rope. The anchor was slipping! He reached out for a thin hand hold on the face, but too late.

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