
A Time of Sharing: Sylvia's Journey

Sylvia heard the screendoor open and slam shut. It had sounded that same way for years and years. She was glad for it, for once. It gave her just enough time to try and pull herself together.

She snatched her kerchief and dabbed at her cheeks. Though there was no time to try to push herself from the floor, she didn’t even try. Through Elmer’s bedroom door bounded two blondes screeching “Granny!”

Narrowly stopping before tackling Sylvia flat out, they gently bent to hug their Great Granny, and promptly dropped to the floor in their Sunday’s best. She was too overjoyed in seeing Breanna and Caitlyn to scold them for mussing their good clothes by sitting in the floor.

They were busying themselves when thier mother walked through the door and rushed to Sylvia’s side, afraid she’d fallen. “Grandma! Are you alright?!” Kara gasped.

Sylvia nodded and pulled Kara into a hug, “So good to see you Kara.” Kara sat down with Sylvia and Caitlyn crawled into her lap holding a photo. “Who’s this Granny?”

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