
Never Let Go

His toes dug into the wet, grainy sand and the cold salt water brushed over his feet as he gripped her hand in his. Those little spaces inbetween your fingers are ment to be filled by anothes hand. He turned to her and picked her up as she wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck. He studied her face. The wind blew her sandy brown hair in wisps and curls around her face. Her ran his fingers through her hair.
“I love you.” she said, those three words meaning so much.
Her gripped her face in his hands and pushed his lips against hers as they both toppled down into the sand. She pulled apart slowly and let out squels of giggle as she brushed the sand of herslef and stood back up. He stood up after her amd wrapped his arms around her waist. She pulled herself in closer to him as the water splashed them. She hoped he’d never let go becasue the day he did let go would be the day she lost the one she truly and indefinetly loved.

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