
Cry A River

Cry a river.
I was sitting in a skating ring last night with all my friends, And I had a really bad day, so they convince me to come out, but then I found out something that really put the cherry on top, and I couldnt handle it anymore. My chest became flood with tears, and I couldnt retain it anymore, I had my first breakdown. As my emotions came running into a puddle of water, a bestfriend came to the rescue to save me. I was surprised that someone heard my soft cry for help.

My river came out at one time, was I hurt this much? Was I holding this much in? Oh wow, it completely shocked me that my puddles became rivers.

Cry a river, as my river streamed into the skating ring, and people started to see water on the ground, drawing unneccesary attention to myself that I didnt want.

I laid there as the tears ran like a faucet that was stuck on high pressure, why couldnt I stop… why could I stop?

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