
first for everything

I walked alongside Greeny. Then I felt a random impulse in my legs.
Run They seemed to encourage. So I ran. And ran. And ran. What was I running from? Shame? How I ever truly believed that i would be friends with those people was an insane dream. I was a cat and they were the toy. Swinging right above my head. Close enough to try to grab it but never close enough to really get it. I found myself at the doors. I never ever skipped school. There’s always a first for everything. I kept running. Suddenly, a 40 year oldish man came up to me. Wearing the school uniform sweats. Uh-oh.

“I saw you running. You were good. I’m Mr. Barton. I want you to join the track team.” I looked at him.
“Sure. I would love to.” I said. He gave me some forms. Then I went back to running home. The best part was Mr. Barton didn’t try to stop me. I reached the unfamiliar doors of my new, unfamiliar house. I sat on a box labled, “Hallie’s Dolls.” I cradled my head in my arms. My heart was beating wildly. I had just broken the law

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