
A Branch of Love

“Okay, I believe in love”
Then I thought to myself.
“Wait, you dont understand the context of why I gave up on love. I gave up on romance, lust, sensual feelings & sexual feelings. See no one can give up on love, but they can give up on pain that a specific type of love is giving them.”

I said, as I challenge their words.

“See, I cant believe in love anymore because even love isnt caring for me right now. Love is bringing so much unneccessary pain & struggles to my life right now,& now I have to eliminate it.”

They looked at me puzzled.

“True, I’m a writer of romance, but I have experienced things in my life that makes me turn a cheek in the world of love. I’m tired of searching for my “one”. Tired of throwing myself at people that I have an interest in & then being rejected again. I want something that love wont give me, I can write about it all I want, but love isnt loving me now. So instead of falling into depression, I rather curl up in a corner & let it go. Do you understand me now?”

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