I have decided on the winners! Well, when I say “I”, I mean my friends who wouldn’t stop reading over my shoulder and I decided on the winners. But hey, same thing right?
So, here goes:
Fourth Place: Officially’s ”’cause I STOLE it”
Third Place: Cavalry Calhoon’s “The Emancipation of Eowyn”
Second Place: Phosphate11’s “British Accent”
First Place: THX 0477 ’s “Aaarg, Sir”
They were all very well written and drew me in immediately, and they followed the contest rules. There were a couple that I really liked- so I’ll explain why they didn’t win.
Nouvelle Bardot’s “Kitsch Dreams” was amazing, and I loved the way it was told. It went into a lot of detail about an awesome graphic novel/movie Ghost World. However, it didn’t really give me a personal explanation. There was so much of the existing work, but no connection to the real author.
Kermitgorf’s “Wee Mee” was really fun to read, and I liked how it was tied to the author, it just wasn’t as in-depth as the others.
Great job, guys! Happy writing!