
The Cabin: A Southern Haunting

Hey, ‘at ain’t nuthin’. Back when me’n ye momma lived up yonder on Georgie Mount’n..member hit uz way on back in th’ woods ‘ere right by Shaneyfelt’s and ‘em.

Diddy give me a piece of land t’work, an right on th’ edge there, was a cabin. Log. Prolly put it up ‘for th’ war. Th’ inside’s all torned to pieces an all. Well, ye momma’s scared t’death of that place. Said hit weren’t somethin’ right ‘bout it. I know ye momma said weren’t a cat t’go near it.

Well, I set out t’see what all th’ fuss was cause she weren’t gone stop talkin’ ‘bout it. I’s out t’put a stop to all iss foolishness. An I reckon it’s ‘bout 9:30 or so in th’evenin’ I’s off in them woods.

Son, I got up near it, an my hand up t’th’ Lord, I smelled bacon jest a fryin’. Well, I get up on them steps, my knees’s jest shaking ever which a way, an I peeped up through th’ winder, and Law! They’s candles lit an food on th’ table.

Well, I commenced t’runnin’ an high tailed it outta there, an don’t spect I’ll go back no time soon.

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