
My meaning of beautiful (Alexis's Challenge)

The word beautiful to me, brings to mind a special friend of mine, I am particularly close to. We are the type of friends that talks daily. To me, there is beauty in that. Having a simple pleasure of a close friendship wtih someone, who is beautiful themselves. I am not talking about the exterior beauty, the kind we get hung up on as a society. I am talking about the inner beauty.

This friend of mine, to me is beautiful . He is an amazing person! Hes so generous and caring. The world is definately a better place because he is alive.

There is a beauty in his voice, just the way he talks. Its so gentle and sincere. It is definately a pleasure to hear him speak. Even if hes just telling a joke, his laughter is priceless.

Having this person as a friend is the truest definition of beauty.

This person is my rock, my confidant, my soul mate. Having a friend like this adds a certain beauty to life.

When you have a genuine, sincere friend who appreciates you for who you are. It’s beautiful

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