
Book Store Browsing: A Shopaholic's Inspirational Sentences

I curled up in the old chair at Barnes & Nobles, taking a sip of hot chocolate and reading a book called Pruny Umbrellas.

The book was actually better than it’s title. It was about a boy Named Osveen and his obssesion with the rain in London.

I was planning on buying the book, but now sitting here so comfortably in the old chair, hot chocolate with marsh mellows, it was so much more peaceful than trying to read at home with my four kids, three dogs and absent husband.

Moments like these I treasured. Does that make me a bad mother? Because I want some quiet me time? Well so be it if it does.

My world at home can wait another half and hour while I emerge myself into Osveen’s world and his pruny umbrellas and the girl of his dreams.

“It’s closing time Miss, do you wish to purchase that book?”, and employee asked.
I looked up and realized the time. “Oh No, I’ll just put it back on the shelf,” and come back and read some more tomorrow.

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