Backing out
“we have nothing to talk about, i have to go to the gym, someone’s waiting for me there”Kenny says
“Yeah i’m sure that’s so important but this is even more important, kenny accept it I’m PREGNANT !”
Mike looks at her than at kenny, “Whoa dude, you got her pregnant?!”
Kenny looks at mike “No, I-i didn’t, she’s lying. I’m not the father!”
“yeah you are, i’ve never been with anyone else”
“Yeah right, i know what happened with lucas..”
“Lucas? Oh really you know what happened, so why don’t you tell me cos i dont really know.”
“Sean said he saw you walk out with him from the party…who knows what you guys did after that party, he probably told you he never wants to see you again and that’s why you’re here blaming his mistake on me”
“Dude that’s harsh!” Mike said to him as soon as he stopped talking.
“Listen here buddy, as for the father, it’s you, she’s never been with anyone else, and as for lucas, he’s just a friend who walked her home because her boyfriend’s an ass.and as for Sean, i’ll talk to him.”