
The Comming

Darius Bontaville, Lived in a Condo on Durate Street in Rome.

He lived alone and without any source of contact with the outside world. No one ever seen him leave his condo, take a walk, shop for food. No one ever visted him either.

Daruis was a modern day mole. born a in a lab, with no parents he escape his captives who created him.

Intellegent in mind and physical powers that are unexplanable he lives off oxygen. No food and or substances of any kind just pure oxygen. Every morning he would stand in front of his large window and allow the heat from the sun to fuel and regenerate the oxygen inside his blood system. Ammune and unable to catch disease Darius is very valuable to man kind.

He realize as his thought process and programming was being establish that he was a free being. The urge got stronger and he wanted to leave the confinment of the lab and live by his own rules.

But he soon realize that as the government pursued him he was not free. His destiney would soon be known to all men

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