
Don't forget the Shuriken



She was looking at me like a second head had just grown out of my neck.

“Yeah, Ninjas,” I said.

“You want the groomsmen at our wedding to dress up like Ninjas?”

I nodded and started chopping peppers to throw into stir fry.

“Not tuxedos?”


She frowned and chewed her bottom lip.

“And I suppose you’ll be dressed as a Ninja too?”

“Grand Ninja Master, actually,” I said.

“What am I supposed to go as?” She asked.

“Female Ninja.”

I pushed the peppers into the wok and stirred.

“Let me just make sure I have this right. You want me to get married in front of my parents and all our relatives, dressed up like a Ninja?”

“Yeah,” I said, cutting up an onion.

She frowned again and folded her arms.

“Do I get a sword?”

I grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“I love you.”

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