
Like A Bug

“There’s a bug on my desk.”

She spoke aloud to no one. Well, no one in particular, at least. Sure, there were people around, but none who were listening, none who were caring.

“I hate bugs.”

The grumble fell onto deaf ears, too. A labored sigh marked the beginning of her task, a lazy flick of her wrist that rid her writing surface of the small creature. The girl barely managed to suppress a disgusted shudder by shoving a finger into her sandy-blonde hair, twirling it in that valley girl-esque habit of hers.

It was now that she would be noticed.

“Hey Sara.” The person in front of her had turned around—that cute guy she’d been eyeing all year. There he was, asking for her attention.

Sara’s eyes lit up, wondering what he could possibly want. “Yeah?”

“You got any gum?”

Her brows knit themselves together. No, she did not have gum. Her head shook slowly, sadly. “Sorry…” The male sighed, a grumble emitting from his lips. He was rid of her with a lazy flick of his wrist while turning around.

Sara frowned.

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