Wake up and look around, at a world so different from you. Walk down the street like you don’t belong. Rubbing elbows with your greatest foes. Sit and feel all eyes on you. Then think to yourself if only this was a dream. And your dreams realty. Only if you could controle, minlipulae, fire, water,and air. If only. If only. What if you could move things with your mind. Stop time, move forward or back in time. If only. Or if you could go from one place to another in the blink of an eye. If only. If only. If your foes know what your capable of then they would no longer look at you with the intent to kill.But would look upon you with fear. But when you open your eyes you see a whole world of foes looking at you with that intent to kill you. Causing your anger to grow more and more. Then you feel your hands get hotter and hotter. Till your hands are coverd by fire. It soon fills your eyes. Then all you see is the darkness of your flames. And your foes are no more. Now your no longer filled with rage but darkness